Due to a very high volume of orders, it may take longer to ship from time of purchase. You will receive an email after your online purchase. Normally, RG ships out products the day of or the next day from purchase. UPS delivers for RG and usually product is delivered within 3 to 7 days. If we have backorder issues, we will communicate with you to give you updates. We appreciate your patience.
Yes. Due to extraordinary demand of RG’s new Patent Pending Simulated Muzzle Flash System, we are working hard to meet demands. We promise to get your product to you as soon as we can.
No. All of our products are intended for adult use, and buyers must be at least 18. There are no restrictions in USA of owning and training with RG Muzzle Flash System.
We accept PayPal, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa.
Yes, we do accept personal checks, money orders and cashier checks. We will ship out your order as soon as payment clears. Mail to:
Reactionary Gap
PO BOX 50952
Sparks, NV 89435
After you complete your purchase, a confirmation email will be sent to you with your order number and order information. Be sure to enter your correct email address when placing an order.
Tracking information will be emailed to you. RG uses UPS as a shipper.
Place your order anytime 24 hours per day, 7 days a week on our website: www.reactionarygap.com
Call RG Customer Sales Office at: 775-626-0124
Orders are sent immediately for fulfillment and shipping of your order. Therefore, we are not able to cancel or add items to your order once placed.
We do NOT offer FREE shipping to areas outside of the United States. However, email us at: info@reactionarygap.us to request a sales and delivery. We will gladly ship to your location if you agree to pay for shipping.
If you’re not satisfied with your order, you may return the products within 60 days of purchase to receive a refund, credit or replacement. Email us at: info@reactionarygap.us
Yes. All RG products are guaranteed to be free of defects and guaranteed to maintain good working order for a period of 6 months with normal wear and use. Normal wear and use DOES NOT include abuse of the product, dropping the product, and/or shooting the product.
You can email us at: info@reactionarygap.us
You can reach us by phone at 775-626-0124 Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm Pacific Standard Time.
Please click the “Forgot your password?” link. It will walk you through the process to recover your password.
Reactionary Gap is an internet company only, allowing customers to shop anytime from the comfort of their home.
RG is a new company and have not built those items into the business plan. Shooters have many different preferences as it comes to targets, it would be difficult to add so many items to be competitive. However, RG will revisit this decision on a yearly basis.
Sales Tax is charged for orders shipped within U.S. states where sales taxes are applicable. The amount of tax charged is based on current tax rates and will depend on the destination of the shipment.
Gift cards are not charged sales tax, but purchases paid for with gift cards may be subject to tax.
Yes. If you are a Federal or State Law Enforcement Agency, please email us at info@reactionarygap.us to begin the process.